Expressions of Interest: Buddy Technologies
Buddy Technologies Ltd (In Liquidation) (BUD)
Established in 2006, BUD traded as an Internet of Things and cloud-based technology provider. As a holding company of one of its core businesses, Buddy Ohm, BUD currently holds ten active trademarks.
The IP for sale is the following trademarks:
- BUDDY (Australian IP No. 1743630)
- Buddy Platform IoT Data Graph (Australian IP No. 1754332)
- THE QUANTIFIED ECONOMY (Australian IP No. 1754337)
- OHM LINK (Australian IP No. 1843606)
- BUDDY OHM LINK (Australian IP No. 1843607)
- BUDDY OHM LINK (Australian IP No. 1912934)
- OHM LINK (Australian IP No. 1912935)
- BUDDY OHM (Australian IP No. 1913726)
- OHM SENSE (Australian IP No. 1913728)
- OHM VIEW (Australian IP No. 1955794)
The Liquidators are seeking EOI for the purchase of the above IP.
Interested parties should submit their best and final offers by 5:00 PM (AEST), Friday, 27 September 2024.
For further information please contact Max Florian on (02) 9210 1700 or at